MVA Series

The Series MVA is a pneumatically actuated version of valve utilizing a minimum of 85 PSI actuation pressure to operate the valve and is offered in both normally open and normally closed configurations.
At the urging of both Industry Leading High Pressure Gas Cylinder Filling Plant Equipment Providers and End Users, Generant has developed a High Pressure Gas Master Shutoff/Control Valve line. Series MV valves provide consistent, low operating torque throughout the entire operating pressure range of the valve. The Series MVA is a pneumatically actuated version of valve utilizing a minimum of 85 PSI actuation pressure to operate the valve. Both valve types are third party certified to 5,500 PSI Oxygen Service.
The Series MVA is a pneumatically actuated version of valve utilizing a minimum of 85 PSI actuation pressure to operate the valve and is offered in both normally open and normally closed configurations.
The manual version of the valve, Series MV, was designed to specifically address problems associated with other devices currently on the market. Series MV valves provide consistent, low operating torque throughout the entire operating pressure range of the valve.
Series OFS O’Ring Face Seal Fittings are bubble tight, zero clearance fittings designed specifically for use in gas fill plant manifolds up to 6,000 PSI. The fittings are constructed of high strength naval brass for high Pressure service and to allow for continuous remakes of the Face Seal connection.